Impact of aqueous and organic extracts of Rhodobryum roseum on inhibition of fungal and bacterial growth


Singh ShivomORCID,Srivastava Rathore KajalORCID,Khanna D.R.ORCID


Mosses have been known for millennia and highly esteemed all over the world as the rich source of bioactive compounds. The research targets on evolution of microbicidal potentialities of Rhodobryum roseum (extract) used against selected fungus (X. oryzae pv oryzae, S. enteric, P. multocida and M. plutonius) and bacteria (R. solani, S. rolfsii, F. oxysporum and T. indica) to assay antimicrobial activity. Impact of aqueous and undertaken organic viz., ethanol, acetone, choloform, petroleum ether, methanol extract of R. roseum, at varied concentrations and at different time intervals were examined against the growth of bacteria and fungus. All the aqueous extracts were proved to be infective against all the tested pathogens. The antimicrobial potential of six extracts was screened against undertaken bacteria and fungi using micro broth dilution assay. Out of the six (diverse organic and aqueous) extract of R. roseum in ethanol and acetone showed maximum inhibitory activity in S. rolfsii with the MIC value of 5.00 (µg/ml),  along with MFC value of 6.25 (µg/ml) in acetone extract and the value of MBC was recorded utmost in X. oryzae with value 3.00 (µg/ml) extracted in ethanol. Over all, the organic extract of R. roseum has potent antimicrobial activity and could be possible source of lead molecules considered for the future development of microbicidal agent.


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