
Orlova E1


1. Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering


The fuel element is the complex system consisting of fuel, a sublayer, a cladding, protective coatings on a surface of a cladding and contacting to the cooler and material of a contour in general. The synergetic (self-coherence) of interaction of elements of this system has to be provided both concerning high heat conductivity of fuel element, and concerning corrosion compatibility. Use of a liquid metal sublayer (LMS) instead of gas, allows significantly (by hundreds of degrees) to reduce temperature in the center of fuel that increases safety at UTOP accidents (uncontrollable increase in power) at ULOF (loss of an expense of the cooler). Gap thickness when using LMS (unlike helium) can be significantly increased that will practically not affect thermal characteristics of fuel element, but will allow to distance considerably time of approach of direct contact of fuel with a cladding, having increased thereby depth of burning out of heavy atoms and having increased cost efficiency and competitiveness of fast reactors extension of the fuel elements resource. These principles when using heat-conducting nuclear fuel are especially effective (metal, nitride, carbide) and the lead heat carrier. Synergetic reasonable corrosion compatibility of a cladding of fuel element with LMS is confirmed with numerous settlement pilot studies by means of formation and self-curing of accidental damages of a protective coating of nitride of zirconium on the internal surface of steel in LMS of eutectic structure on the basis of lead with magnesium and zirconium. When using nitride fuel heat-conducting LMS with anticorrosive properties the resource of fuel element is limited not by swelling of fuel any more, and the dose damaging a cladding.


Institute for Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE, Inc.)

Reference24 articles.

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