Egorov A1, Gremyachkin D1, Piksaikin V1, Mitrofanov K1, Mitrofanov V1, Kobets U1, Kolesnikov D1, Chaplygin E1, Matveev O1, Sutyagin I1
1. A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering
Development of the technologies of nuclear energy utilization, particularly involving of the minor actinides nuclides in the fuel cycle, due to the differences of time characteristics of the fissioning systems and the number of neutrons emitted by nuclides in the fission process, including its growth with the growth of primary neutron energy require the increase of accuracy and the volume of nuclear data. In the present work the behavior of the time dependence of delayed neutron intensity is studied for the neutron induced fission of the 237Np with the growth of the excitation energy. In the process of the comparative analysis there have been used the data calculated using GEF code and experimental data. Comparative analysis of the mass distributions of fission fragments for the fission of 237Np by neutrons with energies 1 and 18 MeV shows the difference in the magnitude of the separate masses from 15 times in the region of the asymmetric fission to 100 times in the region of the symmetric fission, that is the evidence of the differences in the time behavior of the decay curves of delayed neutron intensity. Using the set-up, that allows registering the delayed neutrons, installed of the neutron-physical research channel of Tandem-3M accelerator there have been made the measurement of the decay curves of delayed neutron intensity using the primary neutrons with different energy.
Institute for Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE, Inc.)
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