
Belonogov M1,Volkov I1,Modestov D1,Simonenko V1,Khmelnitsky D1,Eliseev V1


1. Zababakhin All-Russia Research Institute of Technical Physics


Reduction in the amount of accumulated minor actinides (Np, Am, and Cm isotopes), as well as, the long-lived fission products, to the extent possible, is a top-priority task for the nuclear power engineering. Transmutation of this waste in a special-purpose molten-salt burner reactor has been currently proposed as a possible solution for this problem. The objective of the present paper is to investigate basic regularities of Np, Am, and Cm transmutation in the molten salt burner reactor and to determine optimal operational conditions of the reactor. In the optimal equilibrium mode just fluorides of these elements are added into the fuel composition but the fission products are extracted from it. This mode are reached by maintaining a specified actinide concentration. In order to provide the reactor criticality with a lower than optimum actinide concentration, it is required to add plutonium in the feed fuel instead of a certain amount of minor actinides, thus impairing the transmutation efficiency. To keep the critical state in the equilibrium mode, in situations where the actinide concentration is higher than the optimum one, it is essential to extract a portion of fuel with high content of 238Pu. It has been shown that the reactor configuration is the primary factor responsible for optimum actinide concentration value and that this value varies little with the feed fuel composition, the type of salt dissolving agent, and the fuel reprocessing mode. Optimal concentration for the molten-salt burner reactor with the core volume ranging from 2 to 30 m3 is within 17…10 mole %.


Institute for Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE, Inc.)

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