Avdeenkov A1, Achakovskiy O1
1. A.I. Leypunsky Institute for Physics and Power Engineering
An engineering model has been analyzed for a self-consistent calculation of the growth of an oxide film in circulation circuits with a heavy liquid metal coolant and concentrations of impurities (oxygen, iron, and magnetite) from the point of view of a possible uncertainty in determining the oxygen activity. The modeling of thermohydraulic and physicochemical processes is based on solving the associated three-dimensional equations of hydrodynamics, heat transfer, convective-diffusive transport, and the formation of chemically interacting impurity components in the coolant volume and on the surface of steels. The yield of iron and the formation of magnetite are due precisely to the specifics of self-consistent physicochemical processes in the oxide film and at the interface. There have been conducted model calculations of the influence of the uncertainty of oxygen activity on the speed and the integral yield of iron, which under the given conditions of the oxygen regime after an interaction with oxygen causes the appearance of magnetite. It has been numerically demonstrated that in the saturation mode there is a model-independent characteristic, which is determined by the parabolic constant and thickness of the oxide film characteristic of steel.
Institute for Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE, Inc.)
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