
Belozerova A1,Belozerov S1,Shamardin V1


1. State Scientific Center - Research Institute of Atomic Reactors


The effects of nuclear transmutation in zirconium alloys are considered. The calculated scheme of transmutation of elements in alloys of the system [Zr + x% Nb + y% Mo] is determined. Numerical estimates of the molybdenum content in zirconium alloys of various compositions were carried out during irradiation in research (SM-3, BOR-60) and power (VVER-1000, PWR) reactors. The dynamics of the accumulation of molybdenum during irradiation in the SM reactor and the subsequent exposure of the samples for one year in standard zirconium alloys Zr + 1% Nb, Zr + 2.5% Nb and for the proposed initial compositions Zr + 1% Nb + 0.5% Mo were estimated Zr + 2.5% Nb + 0.5% Mo. Reactor irradiation leads to a significant accumulation of molybdenum in the Zr + 2.5% Nb alloy as a result of nuclear reactions: the molybdenum concentration increases to about 0.7 % with an increase in neutron fluence (E> 0.1 MeV) to 1×1023 cm-2 at irradiation in a research reactor SM. The dynamics of the effects of nuclear transmutation of zirconium upon irradiation in the active zone of research (SM-3, BOR-60) and power (VVER-1000, PWR) reactors is estimated. The Zr element transmutes no more than 10 % in 100 years of exposure. The accumulation of molybdenum over the same time can be up to 104 ppm (appm). The results of the intellectual analysis of the calculations performed with multidimensional analysis based on OLAP of the multidimensional data space of the database provide knowledge in the form of classifications and confirm the need to develop zirconium alloys with additional doping with molybdenum, which can provide optimal physicomechanical properties, in particular, radiation growth characteristics, as well as acceptable level of nuclear-physical and corrosive properties.


Institute for Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE, Inc.)

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