The relationship of acculturation expectation “integration” and life satisfaction of the host population: the role of generalized trust


Dubrov D.I.1


1. National Research University Higher School of Economics


This article explores the relations between acculturation expectation “integration” and life satisfaction of the host population. Early studies demonstrated contradicting results regarding this relationship. The reason for these contradictions is the contextual conditions in which intercultural relationships take place. Generalized trust is one of these conditions. The study (n = 198) in Moscow showed that trust is a moderator of the relationship of acculturation expectation “integration” and life satisfaction of the host population. This means that the nature of the relationship between these two variables changes depending on the level of generalized trust: in case of high generalized trust the relationship between acculturation expectation “integration” and life satisfaction of the host population is positive, and in case of low generalized trust the relationship between acculturation expectation “integration” and life satisfaction of the host population is negative. Consequently, generalized trust plays an important role for life satisfaction of the host population in case of their preference integration of migrants.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Applied Psychology,Social Psychology

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