Volitional qualities as predictors of the importance of social activity of students


Shamionov R.M.1ORCID,Grigoryeva M.V.1,Grigoryev A.V.2


1. Saratov State University

2. MIP LTD “Technosphere safety”


The problem of studying the determinants of social activity of students is considered. It is assumed that there are similarities and differences in the subjective and personal determination of the directions of social activity of students. The study involved 261 students (the average age was 20.11 SD=1.2; men — 41%). The standardized questionnaire of volitional qualities of personality (M.V. Chumakov) and original scales for assessing the directions of social activity and subjective assessment of the degree of social activity of students are used. The most (leisure-communicative, educational-developing, activity in the sphere of self-development) and least (voluntary, spiritual-religious and socio-political) expressed directions of social activity are established. It is shown that the realization of different types of social activity is determined by different combinations of subjective and personal properties.


Russian Science Foundation


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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