Digital socialization in the cultural-historical paradigm: a changing child in a changing world


Soldatova G.U.1


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The paper presents the methodology, methods and results of empirical research (2010—2018) of a social situation of development of the digital generation. The digital childhood and digital socialization as social and psychological phenomena are conceptualized in the optics of the cultural-historical paradigm. Modern methods of the analysis of digital reality are considered: the meta-analytical and longitude approaches working with big data, experimental designs on small samplings, the analysis of social networks and some other. The author offers the integrative concept for studying of phenomenology of the digital childhood and socialization (features of cognitive and personal development, relationship with the external world, social and cultural practices). The final conclusion — modern psychology needs the transdisciplinary association of various methodological strategies which will be adequate to requirements of the rapidly changing world and a new social situation of development of children and teenagers.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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