Theoretical foundations and methodological approaches to the study of the phenomenon the «Value of appearance»


Labunskaya V.A.1,Serikov G.V.2


1. Southern Federal University

2. Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy of South Federal University


The article presents a number of theoretical basics for the development of «multifactor empirical model for studying the attitude to appearance». It argues that the «value of appearance» should be in the centre of this model. The article notes that the introduction of «value of appearance» concept meets not only the modern science requirements, but also complements the person’s value structure study at different stages of his or her life. The article emphasizes that the methodology for studying the «value of appearance» involves not only its place determination in the hierarchy of human values, but also includes research of its change under the influence of socio-cultural, stratification, socio-psychological and individual-personal factors. The article also states that the intensity of these factors impact on the explicitness of the «value of appearance» in a person is determined by the sphere of human existence, which is of priority for him or her. The article presents both a set of original techniques and modifications of well known ones aimed at appraisal of values representation and hierarchy of value orientations in a person: a modified method of value orientations research developed by M. Rokich; method for «Diagnosis of person’s real structure of value orientations» proposed by S.S. Bubnova; and also a list of techniques aimed at the diagnosis of phenomena related to appearance and influencing or presenting the explicitness of the «value of appearance».


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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