Social concepts about the success of teenagers with different intragroup status and different levels of intellectual success


Kondratyev M.D.1


1. GBOU School № 1241


The article presents the results of research of social concepts about the success of teenagers with the various combinations of intellectual and social success. In the research were participated 456 teenagers, who study in Moscow schools. To get the results about the structure of social concepts were used method of P. Verges, and individual interviews and method of focus-group were used for control. There were shown the differences in the content of social concepts about the success of teenagers in the list of notions and in their interpretations by the participants of research. Determined that intellectual successful teenagers are tending to perceive success like the result of the own action while peers are tending to exaggerate the role of circumstance. The biggest differences in the core of social concepts than in the buffer zone and periphery were recorded in intellectual successful teenagers with intragroup integral status, the biggest differences between “stars” and “losers”. All participants of the research interpret the success like feature which connected to future regardless of the actual achievements.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Applied Psychology,Social Psychology

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