On the Issue of Diagnosing the Abilities and Readiness of Students to Choose the Profession of a Teacher


Osadcheva I.I.1ORCID


1. Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research


<p><em>The article considers the problem of preparing students for the choice of a pedagogical profession, taking into account individual characteristics, identifying pedagogical tasks and abilities, personality orientation, reflection. The study of individual typological and psychological features among students of specialized psychological and pedagogical classes, the creation of which is aimed at training future talented and productive teachers, is relevant. The study included diagnosis and student consultation. A sample of 68 respondents focused on pedagogical specialties: 50 philology students aged 18 to 23 years (M = 20.04; SD = 0.98), 18 Year 11 students aged 16-18 (M = 17.14; SD = 0,86). Psychological questionnaires, psychophysiological methods, elements of psychological training were used. The results revealed specific links between the individual typological features of future teachers and their influence on professional preferences. Understanding individual characteristics, correlating them with the requirements of the profession influenced the readiness of students to choose the profession &ldquo;teacher.&rdquo;</em></p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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