1. Federal Scientific Center of Psychological and Multidisciplinary Research
<p><em>The growing interest of the educational community in the phenomenon of “involvement” is a direct evidence of the relevance of the student — centered approach. The modern educational process is represented not by a passive student, but by the active co — creation of a teacher and a student, and the level of involvement is an indicator of the degree of activity of the student. The question arises: with what psychological resources and means can a teacher achieve deep involvement of students in the educational process. Objective: to identify psychological resources and information technology facilities of the teacher and indicators of students’ involvement in the educational process. It was revealed that the majority of students (more than 70%) characterized by a low level of engagement, inertia, passivity, alienation, inaction, which are formed and consolidated as a result of constant school failures. The psychological conditions and factors contributing to and hindering the actualization of the complex “engagement and involvement” as a resource for personal and professional development of teachers and students are identified. The developed programs and trainings integrated into the educational process of the school have given a positive result and are recommended for use in schools.</em></p>
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
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