Organizational Conditions for Studying Students with Disabilities in Pedagogical Universities


Saitgalieva G.G.1ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education


<p>The article was prepared based on the results of monitorings of pedagogical universities, which were carried out by the method of self-completion by representatives of universities of the developed forms for collecting information. This study is an attempt to find out what is happening in the system of pedagogical universities, how the situation is changing related to the need to ensure the availability of higher education for people with disabilities, what organizational decisions are made by the heads of pedagogical universities to ensure that the education of students with disabilities is of high quality and competitive in the modern world labor market. Based on the data obtained, a range of problems has been identified that should be taken into account by representatives of higher educational institutions in order to provide students with disabilities with equal access to quality education. In this article, the author presents and discusses the experience of pedagogical universities in creating special conditions for teaching students with disabilities. The article shows that the formation and development of inclusive higher education requires the combined work of specialists &mdash; participants in the university inclusive community. It is concluded that the orientation of the university towards the development of inclusive processes will help ensure the availability of higher education for different categories of students.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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