1. Tula State Pedagogical University. L.N. Tolstoy
2. Tula State Pedagogical University n.a. L.N. Tolstoy
<p style="text-align: justify;">The article discusses the features of the development of the memory in primary schoolchildren, offers psychological and pedagogical technologies for its development. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the development of the memory in primary schoolchildren in the context of digitalization of education, designing a program for the development of memory of the primary schoolchildren of the digital generation in the process of cognitive activity and education. Research methods: theoretical; empirical (testing, pedagogical experiment); methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis. The materials of empirical research obtained on a sample of 1st grade students are described. The diagnostic program included 6 methods, the development program was based on the principles: taking into account age and individual characteristics, increasing the level of complexity, inclusion in active cognitive, educational activities, along with experimentation, design, development of basic skills, interests of children, etc.; recommendations were made to teachers on the development of memory in primary schoolchildren. The results of the study can be used in the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for students of primary school age.</p>
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
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