Experience of the Federation of Psychologists of Education of Russia on the Formation and Development of Readiness for Volunteer Activities of Students and Specialists of the Education System


Umnyashova I.B.1ORCID,Gilyano A.S.2ORCID,Baranova E.M.2ORCID


1. Moscow Regional Office, Russian Public Organization “Federation of Psychologists of Educational of Russia”

2. Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy


The article presents the experience of the All-Russian public organization “Federation of Psychologists of Education of Russia” (hereinafter referred to as the FPER) on the formation and development of the readiness of students of educational organizations of higher and secondary vocational education and specialists of the education system to participate in volunteer activities in the FPER. In 2021, volunteers of the FPE of Russia developed and tested the program of the School of Volunteers, labor intensity — 32 hours, implementation period — 3 months. Participants of the program are volunteers / candidates for volunteers of the FPER (students of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, specialists of the education system). The objectives of the program are to form and develop ideas about the legal and ethical foundations of volunteering in the Russian Federation; development of practical skills in the field of organizing and implementing volunteer events and projects; development of personal competencies of participants in volunteer activities; acquaintance with examples of successful psychological and pedagogical practice in the field of development of the psychological culture of the population. The program is implemented in full-time form, including using remote educational technologies.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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