Motivational Function of Emotions: Theoretical Approach to Study


Pyrev E.A.1


1. Center of Psychological, Pedagogical, Medical and Social Assistance of Vyborg district of St. Petersburg


The article reveals the problems of human emotional motivation. The definition of this phenomenon is given. The theoretical aspect of emotional motivation is represented by an analysis of domestic and foreign literature on emotions and motivation. Also, the theoretical part of the study is devoted to the nature of emotions and the content of their motivational potential. The origins of this phenomenon are seen in the subjectivity of emotions, manifested in the relationship of a person with various aspects of his life. Emotion as an unconscious motive induces unintentional actions towards the subject of communication. There is emotion at several levels of human functioning: neural, physiological, psychological and behavioral. The first two levels provide the appearance of emotion, which is then realized in motor reactions and detailed behavior towards the subject of communication. The implementation of the motor program over time leads to awareness of emotions and a decrease in their motivational potential.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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