1. Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin
2. Kindergarten “Ladushki”
The study aims to define the psychological characteristics of preschool children with phonetic and phonemic speech underdevelopment (FFSU). The psychological characteristics of children with FFSU are considered in connection with the preparation for school education. The hypothesis was tested: the psychological characteristics of children with FFSU significantly differ from the psychological characteristics of children with normative speech development; the structure of the correlations of psychological characteristics in the studied groups of children is different. The sample included children with FFSU (N = 30) and children with normative speech development (N = 30). Re-search methods were the Method of Express Diagnostics by N.N. Pavlova, L.G. Rudenko and Test of Anxiety by R. Tammle, M. Dorkey and V. Amen. The study results showed that the differences between children with FFSU and normative speech development manifested themselves at the level of a statistical trend in two parameters. Children with FFSU are inferior to their peers with normative speech development in arbitrariness (p = 0.052), but have a slight advantage over them in the emotional sphere due to a lower level of anxiety (p = 0.083). Correlation analysis confirmed the assumption that the structure of correlation relationships of psychological characteristics in the studied groups of children is different. In conclusion, the psychological conditions for the successful adaptation of children with FFSU to school are determined: the development of arbitrariness, attention, logical thinking, the formation of adequate self-esteem.
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
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