1. School No. 1363
2. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
The game is considered as a professional correctional and preventive resource in working with de-viant behavior of children and adolescents. One of the reasons for the deviant behavior of preschool children is recognized as an insufficient level of social and communicative development. Folk game has features that affect the parameters of social and communicative development of children (the ability to follow the rules, adequately evaluate themselves, and establish friendly relations with peers). The game program, which is attractive for children, proposed in the study, includes a variety of games with strict rules, which, however, provide great opportunities for improvisation and the manifestation of children’s individuality. Psychological diagnostics of the parameters of social and communicative development experimentally showed the effectiveness of the program. The socio-metric status at-risk kids has also increased. Aggressive manifestations in behavior have significant-ly decreased, indicators of the emotional and volitional sphere have improved.
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
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