Time Modus of Procrastination in Retrospect: Types, Predictors and Consequences


Bolotova A.K.1,Chevrenidi A.A.2


1. National Research University Higher school of Economics (HSE)

2. National Research University Higher school of Economics


The article discusses a new field of study of psychology of time through the prism of a very important but still little studied problem: procrastination as putting off work or activities in time. We present the chronology of studies of the phenomenon of procrastination in retrospect in foreign and Russian psychology. We also provide various definitions of the phenomenon of procrastination and reveal the nature and content of the new time mode from the perspective of behavioral, cognitive, psychodynamic approaches and integrative theory of time motivation. The article highlights the main types of procrastination and procrastinators, describes the forms and components of procrastination, as well as its predictors and consequences. Basing on the existing research, we outline the theoretical framework of procrastination and specify its differences from the phenomenon of laziness and perfectionism. Further explorations of the phenomenon of procrastination can be aimed at identifying the consequences of procrastination, as in its negative impact on activity, as and its positive implications referring to self-efficacy and self-realization of the subject in a competitive environment.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Psychology (miscellaneous),Social Psychology,Developmental and Educational Psychology,Cultural Studies,Applied Psychology

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