Features of School Adaptation of Pupils with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the First Year of Study


Antonova I.D.1ORCID,Kostin I.A.1ORCID


1. Institute of Special Education


<p style="text-align: justify;">The article discusses the results of the initial stage of a longitudinal study of the school adaptation of children with autism spectrum disorders studying in primary school. The study sample is represented by 78 first-graders with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who study in 20 schools from 14 Russian regions. The study was based on the method of expert assessments obtained through questionnaires of teachers and parents of students. We used the &ldquo;Expert assessment of a child&rsquo;s adaptation to school&rdquo; methodology modified for the needs of the study (V.I. Chirkov, O.V. Sokolova, O.L. Sorokina) and a questionnaire for assessing social skills and behavior of schoolchildren with ASD by L.V. Shargorodskaya. The dynamics of school adaptation of students with ASD was assessed in relation to their personal and educational achievements. By the end of the first year of study, a positive dynamic of the level of school adaptation was found in the sample study. At the same time, educational achievements were more pronounced and personal achievements associated with the expansion of communication opportunities and socialization of children were extremely low. The influence of a number of factors on the school adaptation of children with ASD was revealed, the most significant of which was the factor of children attending correctional classes at preschool age (at least two years). Special school preparation classes (at least one year) and kindergarten attendance at preschool age (at least two years) proved to be significant factors of school adaptation for children with ASD and intellectual disabilities. This sample revealed a negligible impact of remedial classes conducted in the first year of study on the educational results of students with ASD and the absence of the influence of this factor on their personal achievements. Further observation of the group of children included in the study during their primary school education will allow to clarify and supplement the data obtained.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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