Features of the Subjective Assessment of Intrafamilial Relationships in Patients with Psoriasis


Korabelnik P.Y.1ORCID,Karpova E.B.1ORCID


1. Saint-Petersburg State University


Psoriasis is a common polyetiological disease that affects significant elements of the patient's personality relationship system, including his intrafamily relationships. The hypothesis was tested about the negative impact of subjective experiences associated with psoriatic disease on the perception of the family environment. The influence of several factors (gender, duration and severity of the disease) on the subjective assessment of patients with psoriasis of their family environment was analyzed. In total, 99 individuals took part in the study: 66 subjects suffering from various forms of psoriasis (30 men and 36 women; age: 38±17.68 y.o., disease duration: 13±7.78 years). 40 subjects had an average severity of the disease according to the PASI index. Comparison group consisted of 33 patients (15 men and 18 women; age: 41±14.56 y.o.) with pathology of the musculoskeletal system (disease duration: 12±9.38 years). The following methods were used: semi-structured interview, Family Environment Scale adapted by S.Yu. Kupriyanov (1985), Uncompleted sentences (Joseph M. Sacks, 1950). The subjective experience of psoriatic disease does not have a strong negative impact on the perception of the family environment. At the same time, the influence of gender and duration of the disease on the subjective assessment of their family microclimate by patients with psoriasis was noted. There is a peculiarity of the family environment of patients with psoriasis in comparison with patients with pathology of the musculoskeletal system: patients with psoriasis more often note that in their families it is allowed to openly act and express their feelings, and independence in decision-making is encouraged; the family microclimate of patients with psoriasis is less characterized by the hierarchy of family organization, the rigidity of family rules, and control by family members of each other. These studies can help improve the effectiveness of psychological work with psoriatic patients.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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