The Features of Attitude to the Body of Persons with Consequences of Cerebral Palsy and Spinal Cord Injury


Meshkova T.A.1ORCID,Gavrilova E.L.2ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

2. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education


The features of attitude to the body of adults (from 21 to 65 years old; M=40,8) with consequences of cerebral palsy (13 persons) and spinal cord injury (15 persons) of varying severity and 40 persons (from 20 to 64 years old; M=35,3) without disabilities were studied. Two questionnaires with positive statements (Body Appreciation Scale and Functionality Appreciation Scale) were used, as well as a specially compiled questionnaire for assessing the negative attitude towards the body of persons with visible impairments and a non-verbal method for direct quantitative assessment of satisfaction with certain parts of the body. It was found that techniques aimed at direct assessment of body parts or assessment of negative attitude to the body reveal significant differences between healthy and disabled persons, indicating lower body assessments in persons with pathology, regardless of its type and severity, while questionnaires with positive statements can’t detect these differences. The level of positive attitude to the body in motor pathology is not lower than in the healthy persons. Analysis of the interaction of factors “type” vs “severity” of pathology reveals significant differences in the assessment of individual parts of the body (especially the legs and buttocks): persons with severe consequences of cerebral palsy rated their body areas higher than persons with severe forms of spinal trauma. The importance of the concept of a positive body image for the rehabilitation of persons with movement disorders is discussed.


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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