Internet Use and Depressive Symptoms in Adolescents: a Review


Bochaver A.A.1,Dokuka S.2,Sivak E.V.2,Smirnov I.B.2


1. Institute of Education, National Research University Higher School of Economics

2. National Research University Higher School of Economics


The introduction of digital technologies in everyday practices and the reduction of the age of children's access to the Internet creates the need to reflect on the potential benefits and risks associated with digitalization. The article summarizes the main data on the impact of the Internet, in particular social networks, on life satisfaction indicators and symptoms of depression in adolescents. The results of empirical studies conducted in different countries are ambiguous and do not allow to speak about universal effects that apply to all children and adolescents. We assume that the lack of unambiguous conclusions about the impact of digital technologies is due to the nonlinearity and differential effects. In particular, the power of influence depends on the individual characteristics, the intensity of the use of technology, socio-economic characteristics of the child's environment. This review shows the need for a differentiated approach to research the impact of digitalization on the well-being of children and to the practices of supporting the child in his development of the Internet.


Russian Science Foundation


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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