The Modification of the Parental Attitudes Questionnaire (A. Varga, V. Stolin) for the Family with the Child with Mental Disabilities


Galasyuk I.N.1,Mitina O.V.2


1. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education

2. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The article discusses the possibility of use of the parent-child relationship questionnaire in a situation of raising a child with developmental disorders in a family. As the basic technique is considered Varga–Stolin parental attitudes questionnaire. The possibility of its modification is discussed changing the number of questions, the contents of which inadequately investigated in the question’s situation, clarification of "Control" scale. This construct changes significantly when relationships of parents with a sick child is considered comparing to the normal family. Also the number of items was reduced. Confirmatory factor analysis was used for psychometric analysis. The study involved 137 parents of children with mental developmental disorders, which are the inmates of children's homes, boarding schools, Centers promote family education Moscow. Funding This work was supported by grant RFH № 16-06-00991.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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