The Value of Orientation in Time to Predict the Risks of Old Age


Melehin A.I.1ORCID


1. Medical center "Laguna Med"


Changes in orientation across time are considered in foreign literature on geriatrics and geronto-psychiatry as one of the prognostic factors for the development of biological and psychological risks associated with the aging process. The analysis allowed elaborating the following concepts: orientation and disorientation in time, chronotaraxis and mizorientation. Also, analysis allowed to systematize functions and brain mechanisms for orientation in time. The algorithm for assessing the orientation of an elderly person in time, in space, in self and in the situation was systematized, as well. Presented methods for assessing the verbal and behavioral components of orientation. Based on the model, proposed by G. Berrios, the dynamic nature of the violations, the ability to navigate in time in elderly and senile ages are described. Provides classification and clinical features of disorders of orientation in time in somatic and mental disorders at a later age.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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