Adolescent’s perception of hospital spaces


Agalarova K.1


1. the State Duma


The article is devoted to the study of children’s and adolescent’s perceptions of hospital spaces. Before knowledge of the needs of children and adolescents was obtained from the adult’s feedback. Now this problem is solved by means of children’s reports. The study was carried out in several medical institutions of Moscow and aimed to examine the influence of hospital environment factors of teenagers’ psychological status and their recovery, as well as to study the patterns of their behavior at the hospital. The most important positive hospital factor for adolescents-patients in contrast to adults is communication with their peers, as well as the expression of individuality getting underway in things and clothing. They take less attention to therapy quality and to professionalism of medical staff. Knowledge of the adolescents’ needs allows to create the appropriate living conditions and therefore to improve their psychological well-being.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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