Emotional Well-Being of Students and Their Parents in a Separation Situation


Malenova A.1,Potapova Yu.2


1. Dostoevsky Omsk State University

2. Omsk State Medical University


The article is devoted to the problem of separation of growing children from parents. There are results of research of students’ emotional well-being in a situation of leaving from a parent family. The emotional state of young people in the situation, their presentation about the dynamics of their own and parental experiences are estimated. There is a comparison of two groups of students, depending on the experience of separation from parents (pre-separating and postseparation). This approach makes it possible to determine the real emotional attitude to the accomplished situation of separation and representation about it, to assess the degree of readiness of adults and difficulties of the period of adaptation to the new life conditions. As a result of the study, differences in the views of students with different separation experiences, the feelings of the mother and father in the separation situation were revealed. Also, differences in the perception of their own emotional well-being in the separation situation were revealed among those students who still live together with their parents and reports on the emotions experienced by representatives of the post-separation group.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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