1. Medical center "Laguna Med"
The article shows that taking into account the change in the pragmatic function of the language at a later age can not only improve the health conserve behavior and improve treatment adherence, but also plays an important role in the recognition of qualifications and effective treatment of mental, cognitive, and neurodegenerative disorders. Based on the analysis of foreign studies systematic techniques are often used for the diagnosis of pragmatic competence and presents step-by-step algorithm for estimating of socio-cognitive disorders in old age. It is shown that in normal aging we can observe selective, reversible changes in the verbal, para - and extralinguistic components of the pragmatic functions of language, and metapragmatic abilities. Systematic General symptoms of deficiency in pragmatic functions of language are neatly systematized. The analysis of the causes of changes in pragmatic competence at an elderly age was carried out with the help of deficit and resource approaches. We presented a range of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions aimed at improving the pragmatic function of language in old age.
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
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