Key category of analysing relationships in inclusive classrooms


Yudina T.A.1,Alekhina S.V.2



2. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


The article is devoted to theoretical models, able to validate the methodology of empirical study of relationships in inclusive classes. It discusses the model of social participation suggested by researchers from the Netherlands and designed after the analysis of a number of scientific publications. The article presents an overview of systematic empirical studies of foreign scholars in accordance with the model of social participation. This model is mapped to the structure of the social situation of development proposed by O.A. Karabanova. In authors’ opinion , the concept and the structure of the social situation of development allows analyzing relationships in inclusive classrooms in more details, assessing the psychological and pedagogical conditions and describing the educational effects of inclusive process in education


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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