1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
2. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education
3. Moscow State University of Phycology and Education
Analyzing studies on motivation carried out by foreign scholars in 2017–2019 one can identify the following trends in search of motivational factors of achievements at school level and family miсrocommunity: the desire to stand out and assimilate, attractiveness and popularity, family tradition of education, relationships with parents, self-image, resilience. These studies distinctly show the value of motivational climate and suspended individual supporting strategies focused on life goals, including emotional involvement. Deep involvement in school life and the authority of the teacher can be regarded as predictors of high achievement motivation of junior adolescents. The review analyzes the reasons of reduction in learning motivation of high schoolers. The article discusses the models that demonstrate the role of belief in self-efficacy and role of mother and father in the formation of school achievement motivation. The authors show that scientists gradually shift the emphasis in the direction of non-invasive ways of shaping the «induced» learning motivation and targeted motivation for learning of particular top-requested disciplines.
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
Reference36 articles.
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