1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
The article analyzes foreign data on the characteristics of the psychological profile of the digital generation and counter-actions of employers, as representatives of previous generations, in order to understand and develop a common language in contacts. The authors consider this multi-level interconnectedness in a space-time structure that combines the educational system and the labour market. For the first time, it is proposed to apply the term of the forward request to the interpretation of the work of this design on the principle of feedback. The material proposed for discussion is differentiated into blocks: a general idea of the psychological portrait of teenagers and youth of the generation; forwarding requests to the educational system from employers and professionals (in the sought-after areas of professional sports, business, tourism, medical and social services); resources to shape the competencies of the generation Z; certain aspects of the topic. The article reveals a number of topical points (assistant ego, prenosological diagnostics, status assessment tools). In conclusion, it is intended to recognize the need to "refine" personal socio-psychological deficits in order to alleviate the difficulties of integrating young people into the workforce.
Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
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5 articles.