AVATAR Therapy: Pathopsychology of Transforming Relations with The “Voice” in Auditory Hallucinations


Sagalakova O.A.1ORCID,Zhirnova O.V.2ORCID,Truevtsev D.V.1ORCID


1. National Research Tomsk State University

2. Altai State University


The paper examines the problem of the use of modern AVATAR therapy for auditory hallucinations (AH). There is a traditional asymmetry of the focus of interest in the study of AH with a bias towards the study of the final result of perception at the expense of comprehension of the process of AH development. The methodology of the cultural-activity approach and study of the patterns of the genesis of the “voices” in pathopsychology provide an adequate basis for understanding the nature of AH. Current intervention in psychosis is based on recognizing the role of psychological factors. АН are amplified in the state of anxiety, or in case of disturbed interpersonal relationships. AVATAR therapy provides the patient with psychological means of restoring deliberate mental activity, gaining control over one’s mental activity through its objectification, making the “voice” less malevolent and managing negative experiences. The method is based on a dialogue with an avatar, a visual digital image of the “voice”. It is designed in a virtual environment evoking a presence effect, which allows directed interaction with it in order to increase assertiveness. The experiments showed encouraging, but still debatable, results of the effectiveness of AVATAR therapy.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Clinical Psychology,Health(social science),Developmental and Educational Psychology

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