The Burnout of Informal Caregivers: Contemporary Perceptions and Research Perspectives


Bocharov V.V.1ORCID,Shishkova A.M.1ORCID


1. V.M. Bekhterev’ National research medical center for psychiatry and neurology


The central theme of the paper is the fundamental possibility of using the theoretical construct of burnout in relation to relatives caring for chronically ill patients. Based on the overview of contemporary literature and the results of our empirical studies, we show that the concept of burnout differs from the concept of burden widespread in clinical psychology. One of the most relevant models for studying burnout of relatives taking care of chronically ill patients proves to be the Informal Caregiving Integrative Model (ICIM). ICIM is based on the Model of Career Stress and Burden and Job Demands-Resources Model. Analysis of the main components of ICIM (determinants, mediators, specific outcomes, general outcomes) and their circularity interactions shows the multifaceted nature of informal caregivers’ burnout. We conclude that further development of the conceptual framework and appropriate assessment tools for studying the emotional burnout of informal caregivers is necessary.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Clinical Psychology,Health(social science),Developmental and Educational Psychology

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