Validating Appearance-Based Rejection Sensitivity and Fear of Negative Appearance Evaluation Scales in the Russian Sample


Razvaliaeva A.Yu.1ORCID,Polskaya N.A.2ORCID


1. Lomonosov Moscow State University

2. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education


We present the results of validating Fear of Negative Appearance Evaluation Scale (Lundgren et al., 2004) and Appearance-based Rejection Sensitivity Scale (Park, 2007) on the Russian sample. These scales operationalize factors of interpersonal vulnerability to body dissatisfaction as a result of internalizing the notions of the ideal body transmitted by parents, peers and mass media. The sample included 760 respondents aged 16—48, 687 female (Mage=24, Med=22, SD=6.75) and 73 male (Mage=23.2, Med=22, SD=5.58). Confirmatory factor analysis confirmed that either scale had a single latent factor, both showed good internal consistency (Cronbach’s α for FNAE — α=0.91; ARS — α=0.93) and test-retest reliability (for FNAE — rs=0.89; for ARS —0.93; p<0,001). FNAE showed age differences, reaching the highest scores in the youngest group (aged 16—20). Convergent and discriminant validity of the scales was confirmed; they were positively related to attachment-related anxiety and disturbances in body image and eating behavior, and correlated negatively with self-esteem. Both scales had a positive impact on body image disturbances and drive for thinness. Fear of Negative Appearance Evaluation Scale and Appearance-based Rejection Sensitivity Scale can be used in studies broadly related to body dissatisfaction.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Clinical Psychology,Health (social science),Developmental and Educational Psychology

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