Toolkit for Assessment of Significant Parameters of School Adaptation of Students with Learning Disabilities at the Primary School Environment


Babkina N.V.1ORCID,Vilshanskaya A.D.2ORCID,Ponomareva L.M.1ORCID


1. Institute of Special Education

2. State Educational Institution «School No. 2124 “Center of Development and Correction”»


<p><strong>Relevance.</strong> The article deals with the problem of assessing the effectiveness of school adaptation of children with special needs in modern educational environment. The purpose of the study was to develop tools for assessing the quality of school adaptation of students with learning disabilities (LD)<strong>. Methods</strong>. The authors defined significant parameters of pupils' school adaptation and described their qualitative characteristics (markers), which were used to create questionnaires for teachers (school&ndash;based therapists) and parents. The questionnaire for parents includes 8 parameters, whereas the questionnaire for teachers includes 18 parameters arranged into 8 topic&ndash;specific blocks. Modern typological classification of children with learning disabilities (N.V. Babkina, I.A. Korobeynikov) was used as a <strong>methodological framework</strong> when developing the parameters. The <strong>results</strong> of testing the developed toolkit are presented, demonstrating its sensitivity to various manifestations of children mental disorders. Authors outline <strong>directions</strong> for future research, connected both with expanding notions of psychosocial development of pupils with LD, and specifying the content of the advisory activity of a school&ndash;based therapist with children and their families.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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