Parenting Stress and Daily Hassles in Mothers of Young and Preschool Children


Vasilenko V.E.1ORCID,Savenysheva S.2ORCID,Zapletina O.O.3ORCID


1. Faculty of Psychology, Saint-Petersburg State University

2. Saint-Petersburg State University

3. Saint Petersburg State University


The article is devoted to the analysis of parenting stress, daily hassles and the relationship of their parameters in mothers of young and preschool children. Sample: 112 mothers from Saint Petersburg, children aged from 4 months up to 7 years. Methods: Parenting Sress Index (PSI-4) by R. Abidin, questionnaire of daily hassles by M.D. Petrash, O.Y. Strizhitskaya, L.A. Golovey, S.S. Savenysheva, STAI by C.D. Spielberger adapted by Y.L. Khanin, socio-biographical questionnaire. Results: A high level of parenting stress was revealed, especially in the domain, associated with the characteristics of the parent himself and his feelings about how he copes with the parental role. The level of daily hassles corresponds to the standards, with the most pronounced stressors in the family domain. Close relationships between parenting stress and daily hassles were found, with the exception of the field of work, while no relationship with life stress was identified. Depression, relationship problems and incompetence are most closely related to daily hassles. Parenting stress is positively correlated with state and trait anxiety. Parenting stress is not related to the age of the mother, the age and gender of the child, family experience and the number of children. However, it is less pronounced with more employment at work.


Russian Foundation for Basic Research


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


Clinical Psychology,Health (social science),Developmental and Educational Psychology

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