Features of Educational Motivation of Chinese and Turkmen First-Year Students Studying in Russian Universities


Apasova М.V.1ORCID


1. Moscow State University of Psychology & Education


The article reviews the severity of the educational motives of foreign students who begin their first-year studie in Russian universities. Three groups of students took part in the study: Chinese (87 people), Turkmen (92 people), Russian (100 people). The following methods were used: "Self-assessment of educational activity" by A.A. Verbitsky, N.A. Bakshayeva, "Attitude to learning" by O.A. Pakhomova, "Value orientations" by O.I. Motkov, "Diagnostics of socio-psychological adaptation" by K. Rogers and R. Diamond, the projective method "Unfinished sentences". It is shown that the level of development of educational motivation, including cognitive interests, is higher among Chinese students than among Turkmen students. But the attitude to learning is more positive among Turkmen students, since it is related to the attitude towards the host country. The emotional state of foreign students during the period of adaptation to new learning conditions is associated not with educational motivation, but with adaptation to interaction with the social environment. The similarity of the educational motivation of Chinese and Russian first-year students is also shown.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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