1. Lomonosov Moscow State University
2. Psychological Institute, Russian Academy of Education
<p>This investigation aims to study the features of the use of digital devices by preschool children depending on sex. The results of an interview with 495 children (50% girls) aged 6-7 (M=63,6 months, SD=4,7 months) from Moscow kindergartens are presented. The interview contains questions about the frequency of digital devices use and about familiar and favorite digital leisure activities. The results of the study demonstrate that boys use digital devices more often than girls. Girls use digital devices in more varied ways than boys, using digital devices more often for drawing, communication and taking pictures. Boys are more likely than girls to have videogames as their favorite digital activity. The results suggest that girls, with the help of digital devices, are more likely to explore the space of culture, and their way of digital leisure time is more conducive to the self-regulation development. The conclusion from this result is that parents, educators, and psychologists should pay special attention to ensure that boys do not exceed the norms of screen time and get acquainted with the various possibilities of digital devices, in addition to games.</p>
Moscow State University of Psychology and Education
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1 articles.