Subjectness of Pedagogical University Students in the Changing Educational Environment


Panov V.I.1ORCID,Plaksina I.V.2ORCID


1. Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education

2. Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletov


The work aimed to identify development levels of subjectivity of pedagogical university students and their relationship to ability for joint (cooperative) interactions in changing conditions of learning. Materials of two empirical researches, obtained on a selection of the 4th-5th year students of pedagogical institute, are represented. The first research (N=100) involved 4th-year students aged from 20 to 21 years, 85% of whom were female; the data were obtained before the stage of passing pedagogical industrial practice. The second research involved 5th year students (N=30) aged 21 to 22 years, 87% of whom were female, the data were obtained at the stage of pedagogical practice. Methodology "Diagnostics of formation stages of studentsꞌ subjectivity", developed on the basis of ecopsychological model of the subjectivity formation, and DLPA questionnaire (development level of personality’s subjectivity) were used. Obtained results provide that the transfer of the learning process of future pedagogues to environment of school increases the number of 5th-year students with a high severity degree of "low" stages of subjectivity and reduces the number of students with a high severity degree of "high" stages. Correlation analysis (r-Spearman) revealed a smaller number of relations between stages of subjectivity and characteristics of communicative interactions in selection of the 5th year. A.V. Karpovꞌs method of structural analysis allowed us to conclude that the structure of researched parameters formed in the 4th year undergoes serious changes when the learning process is transferred to environment of the secondary school: index of organization of the structure (IOS) in selection of the 5th year is lower than in selection of the 4th year, which demonstrates the appearance of breaks in the links of educational and communicative subjectivity.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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