Inclusive Higher Education: Special Environmental Conditions for Teaching Disabled Students


Kantor V.Z.1ORCID


1. Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia


Taking into account the experimentally recorded nomenclature of the specific educational and social needs of students with disabilities and in the context of the notion that the adapted basic professional educational program at the university involves the adaptation of the conditions for obtaining education rather than its content, the structure of the adapted environment of the university as an ordered set of information and educational institutions is characterized architectural, spatial, socio-psychological and rehabilitation-educational the conditions necessary for the successful development of students with disabilities the normative content of the educational program, specified by the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education. Within the framework of the corresponding logic and based on practical experience, the place is determined for special technical educational and social facilities, special formats for organizing and teaching methodological support of the educational process, as well as psychological and social rehabilitation support for students with disabilities, etc. in the system of inherent attributes of the university adapted basic professional educational program.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Medicine

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