Xenophobia and deviant behavior in adolescents and young people: a review of Russian studies


Gurina O.D.1


1. Moscow Research Center


The article presents the main results of domestic research for the years 2013– 2016. Research are dedicated to the study of xenophobia and extremism as a kind of adolescents’ deviant behavior. This research focuses on the study of pedagogical and psychological factors of formation of extremist behaviour in adolescents and youth. The results of studies by P.N. Kasberov, A. V. Novikov (2015; 2016), E.N. Skulkina (2015); M.G. Stadnikov, A.A. Shcheglov (2014); O.E Huhlaev, V.M Minasova, O.S. Pavlova, V.E Zykov (2015), etc., describe individual characteristics of perpetrators of offences of an extremist nature and/or being prone to xenophobic attitudes. The objective of the research is to identify factors impeding or contributing to the formation of extremist behavior in adolescents and youth in order to develop adequate preventive measures.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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