Subjective Predictors of Cadets’ Behavior Patterns in Situation of Cognitive Dissonance


Kudinov S.I.1ORCID,Burtsev A.O.2ORCID,Kudinov S.3ORCID,Maryin M.I.4ORCID,Khanalieva D.3ORCID


1. RUDN Universiti (FSAO VO RUDN)

2. Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

3. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

4. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


The article presents the results of an empirical study revealing the role of different personal qualities in the choice of certain patterns of behavior in situations of cognitive dissonance. In the study on a sample of cadets (N=217), it was found that a certain ratio of personality qualities such as self-esteem, anxiety and locus of control are fundamental predictors in choosing a constructive or destructive strategy of behavior in a situation of cognitive dissonance. It has been empirically proved that the correlation between low anxiety, adequate self-esteem and internal self-regulation is typical for cadets choosing a constructive model of behavior in situations of cognitive dissonance that ensures the successful solution of a cognitive task. Cadets with a destructive strategy of behavior in such a situation have a statistically significant correlation of moderate or pronounced anxiety, inflated self-esteem and external regulation, which impedes getting out of a complex cognitive construct. And finally, the avoidant behavior model in cognitive dissonance is demonstrated by respondents with high anxiety, low self-esteem and external locus control. On the basis of the data obtained, a conclusion is made about the development of a special program for correction and enhancement of the emotional-volitional sphere of cadets during their studies at the university.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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