Antisocial and Aggressive Personality Traits of Convicted Murderers


Fourmanov I.A.1ORCID,Bindasova O.2ORCID


1. Belorussian State University (BSU)

2. Mogilev State University named after A.A. Kuleshov (Kuleshov MSU)


The work is aimed at finding the relationship between dispositional aggression and antiso-cial personality traits of convicted murderers. The study involved criminals who were con-victed of: 1) intentional unlawful taking of another person’s life, i.e. murder (“direct” mur-derers) and 2) illegal trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their precursors and analogues (“indirect” murderers). The average age was 39.3±10.8. 33.6% of them were first-time convicted criminals, and 66.4% had previous experience of imprisonment. The study used the “Dark Dozen” questionnaire aimed at measuring subclinical personality traits, two scales of PDT (Psychodiagnostic Test) and the aggressiveness questionnaire by A. Buss and M. Perry. As a result of the study, differences in the antisocial and aggressive personality traits of “direct” and “indirect” murderers were described, as well as the rela-tionship and mutual influence of the antisocial and aggressive personality traits of the crim-inals from these groups.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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