Communicative Provocation Coming from Aggressive Bloggers and Improvement of Professional Performance of Traffic Patrol Officers of the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety


Borisova S.E.1ORCID,Zeynalov F.N.2ORCID


1. Orel Law Institute of Ministry of Interior of the Russian Federation

2. Orel Law Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation named after V.V. Lukyanov


This study clarifies the essence of communicative provocation with elements of verbal aggression manifesting in the way internet bloggers behave if conflict situations arise between them and traffic patrol officers of the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety. The specifics of communicative provocation is analyzed from the psychological and legal perspective and on the basis of video recordings of direct communication between road users and traffic patrol officers. We describe the tactics of bloggers' conflict verbal behavior and also the psychological makeup of traffic patrol officers as the target of communicative provocation. Suggestions of psychological and legal significance are formulated with the view of: 1) relaxing the conflict potential of the situations under consideration; 2) strengthening the skills of traffic patrol officers of the State Inspectorate for Road Traffic Safety; 3) improvement of their professional performance.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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1. Training of police patrol officers overcoming verbal provocations by citizens;Vestnik of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;2023-09-28







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