Principles of Practical Training Organization in a Networking (Development of the Module "Psychological Prevention of Behavioral Disorders and Abnormalities in Development" as Example)


Bogdanovich N.V.1,Delibalt V.V.1,Chernushevich V.A.1


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


The article presents principles of inserting study subjects and practices in educational modules running with network organizations (internship sites). We proposed a methodological basis of the modular organization of educational process in the framework of the master's program, combied the activity, competence and psychotechnical approaches. Networking of leading chair and specially selected organizations providing the base for practical training solves the problem of organizing activity-related content of educational module. We discussed the main options for networking with the databases of practice and offered methodological principles of designing the educational practice-oriented module, wherein the main principle is the reflexive and activity character of networking. We proposed activity-based content of educational module "Psychological prevention of behavioral disorders and abnormalities in development", based on the substantial psychological definition of psychoprophylaxis as a directions of professional activity of the psychologist.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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