1. Bezopasnoe ispol'zovanie saitov v seti «internet» v obrazovatel'nom protsesse v tselyakh obucheniya i vospitaniya obuchayushchikhsya v obrazovatel'noi organizatsii [Elektronnyi resurs] [Safe use of Internet sites in the educational process for the purpose of training and education of students in an educational organisation]: Portal «Edinyiurok.rf». URL: https://www.xn--d1abkefqip0a2f.xn--p1ai/index.php/kartochka-programmy/item/603-formirovanie-i-razvitie-pedagogicheskoj-ikt-kompetentnosti-v-sootvetstvii-s-trebovaniyami-fgos-i-professionalnogo-standarta (Accessed 11.06.2019).
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5. Doktrina informatsionnoi bezopasnosti RF (utv. Ukazom Prezidenta RF ot 5 dekabrya 2016 g. no. 646) [Elektronnyi resurs] [Information Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from December 5, 2016. No. 646)]. URL: http://base.garant.ru/71556224/ (Accessed 26.07.2019).