Career Guidance with Adolescents and Youths with Deviant Behavior: Professional Training Experience


Busarova O.R.1


1. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


The article сonsiders the problem of increasing the effectiveness of legal psychologists in terms of acquiring career-guidance skills. The experience of "Fundamentals of Career Guidance" discipline implementation at the Faculty of Legal Psychology of Moscow State University of Psychology and Education is outlined. The materials include the topics of lectures and seminars as well as means of skills learning and acquiring. The key aspects of the discipline'’ concept are practical orientation, reckoning the current state of career guidance in the country and the specifics of assistance in vocation self-identification for adolescents and youths with deviant behavior, emphasis on active and interactive methods of career guidance. Particular attention is paid to the formation, evaluation and correction of the career plan of adolescents and youths. The content and methods of training in the discipline "Fundamentals of Career Guidance" are correlated with the competencies of a specialist defined by the State educational standard of higher education in the specialty 44.05.01 - Education and Psychology of Deviant Behavior.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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