Interdependence of Emotional Burnout Syndrome and Deviant Behaviour among Employees of Penal System


Borisova D.P.1ORCID,Dvoryanchikov N.V.2ORCID



2. Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


The accelerated pace of social development and a speed of changes in general affecting the production sphere require greater involvement and higher work efficiency. The majority of workers of modern society are employees performing in "person-to-person” system. This category includes social and caring professions as well and other professions requiring interaction with people. Employees of the penal system are in this domain as well. They are subject to maximum emotional "burnout" being under the complex conditions and permanent contact with criminally infected persons. To preserve the personality and health of an employee, it is necessary to know various specific risk factors that may contribute to the development of such states as emotional “burnout”.


Federal State-Financed Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Psychology and Education


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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