Construction of a Radicalization Model and Its Empirical Testing


Elzesser A.S.1ORCID


1. Pacific State Medical University


<p style="text-align: justify;">The article presents the results of a theoretical and empirical study of the formation of the propensity to extremism in the educational environment. Based on the analysis of the case study, it was determined that the propensity to extremism contains the following components: Signs of depression, Loneliness, Dehumanization, Declaration of superiority, A revenge motive, A positive attitude towards death. A hypothetical model of radicalization in adolescence based on the case method using media materials was created. To empirically test the model, a study was conducted with the participation of students, where the sample (n=578) was divided into groups based on the severity of their propensity for extremism. We used a method for diagnosing propensity towards extremism (R.V. Kadyrov, T.V. Kapustina, E.V. Sadon, A.S. Elzesser), R. Cattell&rsquo;s 16-factor questionnaire, the Kruskal-Wallis test and Spearman correlation coefficient was calculated. A certain pattern that makes up the mental characteristics of persons with propensity to extremism was determined: isolation and alienation, dissatisfaction with oneself, signs of depression, suspicion, immaturity of the personality, conflict, low normativity, readiness to act. Thus, the hypothetical model of radicalization finds partial confirmation.</p>


Moscow State University of Psychology and Education

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